Gulzar Shayari In Hindi

Gulzar Shayari In Hindi: Soul-stirring Poetry by the Legendary Poet
हिंदी में गुलज़ार शायरी महान कवि गुलज़ार द्वारा लिखी गई कविता है और यह शैली और भावनाओं में अपनी विशिष्टता के लिए विख्यात है।
Gulzar Shayari in Hindi is poetry written by the great poet Gulzar and is noted for its uniqueness in style and emotions.
Gulzar Shayari On Life In Hindi
Gulzar Shayari On Life In Hindi can be very diversified and illustrated by softer strokes. Gulzar can portray both joys and sadness, hopes, and disappointments, enabling the listener to fully experience the color and complexity of life. His creations do not just transmit the lives of the people; in them, there are many philosophical reflections on life. Thus, reading his writings, one can ultimately be inspired by his thoughts and transformed in their views.
कितनी लम्बी ख़ामोशी से गुज़रा हूँ
उन से कितना कुछ कहने की कोशिश की
I have gone through so much silence.
Tried to say so many things to them.
मैंने तंज़ ये दुश्मन-ए-जाँ के तो मुस्कुरा के सह लिए है मगर
देखना अपनो के दिए कोई घाव जिस्म पे बाक़ी ना रह जाए...
I have tolerated this enemy's taunt with a smile, but
See that no wounds given by your loved ones remain on the body...
बदल जाओ वक़्त के साथ या वक़्त बदलना सीखो,
मजबूरियों को मतं कोसो, हर हाल में चलना सीखो!
Change with time or learn to change with time,
Don't curse your compulsions, learn to walk in every situation!
मुद्दतें लगी बुनने में ख्वाब का स्वेटर,
तैयार हुआ तो मौसम बदल चूका था!
It took a long time to weave the sweater of my dreams,
By the time it was ready, the weather had changed!
कोई पुछ रहा हैं मुझसे मेरी जिंदगी की कीमत,
मुझे याद आ रहा है तेरा हल्के से मुस्कुराना।
Someone is asking me the value of my life,
I remember you smiling softly.
Gulzar Love Shayari In Hindi
Gulzar showcases his extraordinary understanding of love through Shayari, which is based on the theme of love. The poet tells how sweet and how bitter love is, causing readers to think about the true meaning of love.
सुनो, जब कभी देख लुं तुमको तो मुझे महसूस होता है कि दुनिया खूबसूरत है।
Listen, whenever I see you I feel that the world is beautiful.
पाने की कोई चाहत ना हो
फिर भी खोने का भय बना रहे
उसे कहते है प्रेम ।
No desire to get
Still afraid of losing
It is called love.
हद से ज्यादा किसी को
प्यार करके देखो
वो आपकी कद्र कम न
कर दे तो कहना ।
Someone beyond limits
try loving
he doesn't value you less
If you do it then tell me.
याद आएगी हर रोज़ मगर
तुझे आवाज़ ना दूँगा ,
लिखूँगा तेरे ही लिए हर ग़ज़ल
मगर तेरा नाम ना लूँगा ।
I will miss you every day
I will not call you,
I will write every ghazal for you only.
But I will not take your name.
Gulzar Sad Shayari In Hindi
Gulzar’s sad shayari attracted special attention, sinking into the depths of the soul. Poems specifically respond with consolation, making a person feel that his sensations are fully understood.
दिल अगर हैं तो दर्द भी होंगा, इसका शायद कोई हल नहीं हैं।
If there is a heart, there will be pain, there is probably no solution to this.
वो चीज़ जिसे दिल कहते हैं, हम भूल गए हैं रख के कहीं।
That thing called heart, we have forgotten to keep it somewhere.
ज्यादा कुछ नहीं बदलता उम्र के साथ, बस बचपन की ज़िद्द समझौतों में बदल जाती हैं।
Nothing much changes with age, only childhood stubbornness turns into compromises.
हम तो समझे थे कि हम भूल गए हैं उनको, क्या हुआ आज ये किस बात पे रोना आया?
We thought that we had forgotten him, what happened, why did we cry today?
ख्वाबी ख्वाबी सी लगती है दुनिया
आँखों में ये क्या भर रहा है
मरने की आदत लगी थी
क्यूं जीने को जी कर रहा है
The world seems like a dream.
What is filling your eyes with this?
I got used to dying.
Why are you trying to live?
उम्मीद भी अजनबी लगती है
और दर्द पराया लगता है
आईने में जिसको देखा था
बिछड़ा हुआ साया लगता है
Hope also seems strange,
and the pain feels alien.
The one I saw in the mirror,
looks like a scattered shadow.
All in all, Gulzar's poetry will give us strength and tell us the truth about life. Through Gulzar's poetry, we can have a deeper understanding of our own emotions and life.